Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Well as someone,(Alyssa LOL) pointed out, I have been slacking on the blog front lately. So here is an update:

Alex is quite a little man! He is already sitting up on his own, can roll from his back to belly and belly to back, is reaching for objects that are out of his reach, can hold his own bottle and jabbers all of the time. He's growing up so fast that sometimes it makes me sad :( Each month I proclaim that it's my favorite stage of his development only to find that each new month and new milestone soon becomes my new favorite. It is truly amazing to watch him grow and learn new things. The metamorphosis from a tiny helpless infant into a little "person" is the most gratifying thing I have ever witnessed. I don't know how we did it but Alex sure is one CUTE baby!

Speaking of cute babies, Alex may soon be a superstar! OK so maybe not a superstar but I have a meeting next week with a modeling agency who wants to represent him. Here's how it happened. A few weeks ago I heard about a local magazine who was holding an open casting call for kids of all ages to be featured on the cover. A local modeling agency was at the location looking for new talent. Well after meeting with the talent scouts my niece (who initially had no interest at all) and Alex received letters requesting that we come in for a meeting. They don't want any money from clients up front and I know it is a legitimate company because they do the advertisements for Bealls. So, Amy and I are going to check it out. Alex may put mommy through law school :)

There is not much else to report. Alex changes more each day so I will try to be better about updating this blog :)~ Alex sends hugs and big slobbery kisses to you all!

Pumpkin Patch