Thursday, December 18, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree.

This is a very exciting holiday season for me. Christmas is my favorite time of the year and I get to share it with Alex this year! Yay! Even Mr. Scrooge (Evan) has been in the spirit this year, allowing us to get a REAL tree. That's a first for us. In years past I have had to put up a sad little table tree that Evan sneered at until I took it down. But, this year we went as a family and picked out a tree, brought it home and decorated it. We put up the superyard (a baby gate on steroids) around the tree to keep tiny hands from pulling on ornaments or knocking the tree over, but he still loves to crawl over and poke at the ornaments thru the gate. It's pretty cute. Pictures will follow when our laptop is up and running again.

Pumpkin Patch