Sunday, August 30, 2009

Where does the time go?

Alex had his 18 month appointment last week and it seems that he is still on the short side....surprise, surprise! He weighed 24 pounds (plus change) and was 29 inches long. That puts him at 25th% for height, and 35th% for weight.

He's growing up so fast! He has a vocabulary of about 75-100 words and will try to say anything you ask him to. Unfortunately anyone other than myself or Evan has a hard time figuring out what he's saying. Often, his version of the word and the actual word are nothing alike. For instance, we call his pacifier a Fuji. We have always called a fuji and if you ask him where it is, he knows that you are talking about his pacifier. However, HE calls it "Ta" So, if he were to start crying and asking for ta, you would likely never figure it out until he grabbed you by the hand and drug you to its location (also something he is fond of doing).

Some of his other accomplishments thus far and things that have changed are:

-down to 1 nap a day
-eats consistantly (though not always well) with a fork or spoon
-can stand on tippy toes and reach (nothing is out of reach anymore)
-loves to climb
-loves to jump
-imitates mommy and daddy constantly
(I often have a hair band on my wrist, and when he finds one around the house
he puts it on his wrist)
-loves to sing and dance
-bananas are his absolute FAVORITE.
-can open doors (now we have to keep our bedroom door locked)
-loves to play with the dogs and pull the cat's tail.
-understands almost everything you tell him to do (put this toy back, go get your ball, where is
fuji, find your shoes, get your jammies out etc...)
-still has a hitting problem for which he visits time out frequently.
-goes to bed at 8 without a fuss and sleeps (usually) until 8 am
-FINALLY sits with me and allows me to read to him at night.
-gives hugs and kisses without being prompted.
-can take his own clothes off (and diaper sometimes)
-can identify animals and the noises they make
-LOVES to color (though not always on paper)

He continues to amaze us everyday with his accomplishments. He seems to learn something new every minute. He truely is a joy to raise and we are enjoying every second of it! O.K. so not EVERY second, but even on the days when he tests every ounce of patience we have, neither one of us would change anything about him. His intensity and spirit are what make him "Alex" and he is an amazing child!

Pumpkin Patch