Wednesday, June 18, 2008

So many firsts!

Alex is growing up so fast! He recently tried rice cereal and LOVED it. I have been putting it in his bottle for a few weeks, but I decided he was ready to try it from a spoon. That boy is a natural eater. He did great with a spoon.

Alex also visited the zoo for the first time on Memorial Day! He was all cutified in his safari outfit. I like to dress him for the activity we are participating in. Maybe I should get a life! He was mildly interested in the zoo, but mostly he just napped in the stroller.

This past weekend Alex went swimming for the first time. He loved the water. I predict he will be a water baby.

Nothing else is really happening. It's getting closer to the beginning of school and I am nervous about submitting my resignation at work. I know it's the right decision, but it's terrifying to give up my source of income. *sigh*

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Rolly Polly

Alex learned to roll over this week! He can't do it every time, but he's getting the hang of it. He can't quite figure out how to get his arm out from under him and when he does get it out of there and realizes that he's on his tummy he starts to cry because he hates to be on his tummy. He's growing up so fast, it kind of makes me sad :(

I went back to work last week and I realized how much I dislike it. I like the actual job, just not all the BS that goes with it. Oh and my boss is still an asshole! Oh well, two more months and I'm outta there. Hopefully Evan will get the promotion that he interviewed for a couple of weeks ago which will mean more money and a company car. We sure could use that kind of break right about now. So everyone cross your fingers for him.

And for all the ladies reading this..............go see Sex and the City!! It rocks!

Pumpkin Patch