Saturday, March 7, 2009

First Haircut

Alex was beginning to look like a little rag-a-muffin, so we took him for a haircut today. There is a place in Sanford that caters to kids. They have cars to sit in while getting a trim and T.V's and DVD's at each station to entertain the kids. Despite all of these "amenities", the experience was exactly as we anticipated it would be. Lots and lots of drama! Alex wanted none of it!! He cried and screamed and flailed about so much I was sure she was going to cut his ear off. Fortunantly, we left with both ears in tact and a much better "do." However, we were slightly put off when we walked in as discovered that a cut was $16, but by the end of our visit, we realized exactly why! Trying to cut the hair of a wiggly, hysterical, one year old, without drawing blood, is no easy feat!

Pumpkin Patch