Wednesday, June 18, 2008

So many firsts!

Alex is growing up so fast! He recently tried rice cereal and LOVED it. I have been putting it in his bottle for a few weeks, but I decided he was ready to try it from a spoon. That boy is a natural eater. He did great with a spoon.

Alex also visited the zoo for the first time on Memorial Day! He was all cutified in his safari outfit. I like to dress him for the activity we are participating in. Maybe I should get a life! He was mildly interested in the zoo, but mostly he just napped in the stroller.

This past weekend Alex went swimming for the first time. He loved the water. I predict he will be a water baby.

Nothing else is really happening. It's getting closer to the beginning of school and I am nervous about submitting my resignation at work. I know it's the right decision, but it's terrifying to give up my source of income. *sigh*


Angela said...

Alex is really growing. I love all of his "themed" outfits. Do you think Alex will be a water baby if you take him to the beach...I know his mother wouldn't have been!

Jamie said...

I love the new pictures of Alex. I can't believe how much he has grown. What a cute kid.

Pumpkin Patch