Wednesday, November 26, 2008

No NBA Star here

Well, I have some surprising news! You guys are going to be shocked to learn that Alex is SHORT! Now, I know you are asking yourselves, "how could that be with the genetic pool he had to draw from"? We were shocked too, but we have to face the reality of the situation. My dreams of raising an NBA star have been dashed.

O.K. enough kidding. We all knew Alex would never be tall. He'll be lucky to hit 5' 5. He had his 9 month check up yesterday. He is 26 inches long, and 18.12 pounds. He is in the 35th percentile for weight and only the 5th percentile for height. Doctor says it's to be expected since both Evan and I are short. Eveything else was great! He's right on track with mobility and verbal skills. They even did some kind of vision test that measures his eyes and screens for early signs of vision problems. He passed that with flying colors too!

While not an official milestone, I have noticed a sudden increase in the development of naughtiness. He is in to absolutely everything! If he notices the baby gate is down, he makes a bee-line to the kitchen. If he notices me coming for him, he kicks in the turbo to get there before I reach him. NAUGHTY!

But, as his naughtiness develops further, so does his cuteness. He now "drives" just about anything across the floor by pushing it while he crawls. He even makes a motor noise while he does it! So precious.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Alyssa Tolle said...

We are sorry to hear about the vertically challenging future that Alex has ahead of him! Brandon and I were laughing out loud at this post! Alex is so cute, we miss him already. Give him lots of gobbles for us on his first Turkey Day! Love,
Alyssa & Brandon

Jamie said...

I'm sorry to hear that Alex won't be the next basketball superstar; however, there are many sports for short people!! You should start planning now...

Have a fantastic Thanksgiving. :)

Pumpkin Patch