Saturday, February 28, 2009

Kitties, Monkeys and Ducks.

Alex had a busy weekend! On Friday, Daddy and I took Alex to the zoo. He had a great time pointing at all of the animals and walking around. He didn't quite understand why we couldn't pet the "kitties" though. He kept grabbing our hands and pointing at them, which is what he does when he wants to pet our cats at home. He also liked looking at all of the monkey's and does quite a cute little imitation of one.

Today (Saturday) Matt, Amy, and the kids came over and we went to the Duck Derby in Winter Park. Becky and Zack had a great time decorating their rubber ducks for the race, while I practiced my artistic ability on Alex's duck. Sadly none of our ducks won the race, but I'm calling shenanigans since the 1st place winner was the daughter of the guy officiating the race........what's up with that??
Anyway, I neglected to take my camera to any of the a fore mentioned outings so I will post birthday pics instead.


Jamie said...

I would have loved to have seen Alex's imitation of a monkey! Sounds like you guys have had a very nice weekend.

Pumpkin Patch