Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Walkie Talkie

Well, my little baby is not such a little baby anymore :( He has decided that walking is the preferred mode of transportation and doesn't crawl at all anymore. He has formed an attachment to the dog blanket that he sleeps with (we call it woof, mostly because it says woof on it) and carries it everywhere. I have mixed feelings about it. While it is sooo cute to see him with his little dog, I don't want to be frantic someday because woof is nowhere to be found and Alex is screaming and non-functional without it. But, I figure for now it's OK.

He also has lots of words now. Unfortunantly they all sound the same, (some variation of duh). There is "dah" which is dog, "duh" which is duck, "dat" which is that. "dlah" which is cat, and many more.

For those of you who don't know, Alex will be "1" on Tuesday the 24th! Can you believe how fast this year has gone?


Jennifer said...

My suggestion would be to buy additional doggie blankets. I foresee a screaming child in your future otherwise. I am working on buying a few extra Princess dolls for Ellison... just in case. I think we need a picture of your adorable cutie with his blanket:)

Jamie said...

I agree with the previous poster..I'd love to see a pic of Alex with "woof".

You should also post a video of Alex say his "d" words...sounds too cute. :)

Pumpkin Patch