Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Financial Aid

So after spending the last few hours trying to understand the financial aid process and filling out the bijillion forms required by the lenders and the government, I have decided that anyone who makes it through the process should automatically be granted a degree! I'm sooo glad that Beall's paid for my Bachelor degree so I didn't have to endure this process during my undergrad years. It's pretty scary putting myself in the amount of debt that law school will create. Tuition alone is 20 thousand a year! Plus I am taking out additional loans to supplement our income so I can quit my job and stay home with Alex during the day. I suppose you can't put a price on being able to raise your own kid though. It might be a financial hardship for a while but I'm sure it will be worth it in the end. I just hope I can score a cushy job once I have JD behind my name. THEN it will all be worthwhile :)


Angela said...
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Angela said...

Don't worry about the one else in our nation does. Only problem is you can't claim student loans on bankruptcy years later...darn government! Imagine how many more bankruptcy our nation would have if that could be done!

Anonymous said...

Do they offer Pell Grant's at Grad school? You two would definitely qualify.

Jamie said...

I'm sure it'll all be worth the sacrifices in the end! It would be very tough to go to school, raise a child, and work too. I think it's fantastic that you are finding a way to make it all work out. :)

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