Friday, April 4, 2008

A poop hat for Oliver

Warning: The story you about to hear is not for the easily queasy!

So, I was sitting on the couch this morning feeding Alex much like any other morning when he began taking a poop. So I stopped feeding him for a few minutes so he could concentrate on the task at hand and I could figure out how I was going to con Evan into changing the diaper. Well, I began to notice Oliver at my feet licking at something on the floor. I figured he was eating crumbs from last night's dinner or just licking the floor because he's a weird dog. I really didn't pay much attention until I felt something splatter on my foot. I looked down and realized that the baby's diaper had reached maximum poop capacity and was now leaking out onto the floor.......which is what Oliver was licking up!!! Yes disgusting I know, but I warned you! So I yelled for Evan who took the baby so I could clean up the mess down the front of the couch and change my clothes because not only was it on my sock, but on my pants. I was also going to clean the floor but Oliver had taken care of that task for me by LICKING IT UP. Anyway, after the baby was clean we went to put Oliver in his crate and noticed a perfectly symmetrical blob of poop on top of his head!The baby managed to poop on the dog's head and he had been walking around with poop on his head for at least 10 minutes and we failed to notice. So needless to say Oliver took a shower with Evan this morning to remove his newly acquired poop hat. It was all quite a calamity. So lessons I learned this morning are as follows: Dog's like poop. All kinds of poop. Cat poop, baby poop, bird poop. If it's poop........dogs will eat it. Also, Karma's a bitch! As I mentioned before I was trying to get out of changing the poopy diaper and ended up covered in poop myself and cleaning poop off of upholstery which is much more challenging then changing a diaper.


Jamie said...

That is one of the funniest stories I have read in awhile! Gross, but hilarious.

Angela said...

Only you would have this kind of karma. Wow...that kid can really poop!!!

Pumpkin Patch